Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top Songs That Motivate Me

Ever have those days where you feel like your life deserves a soundtrack? I have those days all the time, and here are the songs that get me moving with my head held high and a stride in my walk. AKA: The confidence songs.

5. Makes Me Wonder by Maroon 5

Adam Levine's high pitched voice gets me almost every time, but something about this song just makes me able to walk a little taller. It's a break up song with boxing gloves on. I have a certain love for songs that also have subtle cuss words in it. (Not like rap where they're dropping it every other word, but songs where it is necessary and just emphasizes the already awesome lyrics), as he says: "And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a fuck about you." is a line I rock fully. Who hasn't ended it with someone, and then wondered the same thing. Maroon 5...keep doing what you're doing, because I can't stop loving your songs!

4. I Like It by Enrique Iglesias

Okay, when I first heard this song, I thought it was a new Prince song and that a girl was singing chorus...much to my surprise, it was our little Enrique. I'd never paid attention to the sizzling latin singer beforehand, but now he had my full attention. With an addicting dance vibe and lyrics you can't help but scream out and pump your fist to, this was clearly the song to end my summer.

3. Renegade by Styx

I'm a huge classic rock fan, and there are probably 100 classic rock songs I could put on this list, but none jumped in my mind first and foremost like Styx's 'Renegade'. I chose this only because my car's stereo system goes through a beating every time I play this song while driving. Full blast, windows down...I want everyone to hear this awesome song. I air drum, guitar and sing a long. This song is in...a word...EPIC! When I want to rock out, this is almost always the song of choice.

2. Starstrukk by 3OH!3 feat. Katy Perry

When 3OH!3 came out, I thought "What douche bags". They seemed like total tools. Something happened to me once they fuzed their Douchey cockiness with Katy Perry's sexy power pop vocals. I fell in lust with this song. It's sexy. It's swanky. It's hard and danceable. I am now a fan of 3OH!3. Even if they still are cocky chauvinists.

1. Stand Up by The Prodigy

Nothing, I'm telling you, NOTHING is more motivating than this song. First heard this in my favorite movie: Kick Ass. I love how a song with no lyrics can still give off a raunchy, confident, invincible vibe. This is the song I listen to full blast right in my ears as I walk to and from classes because it makes me feel like I'm walking on a golden sidewalk, and nothing can touch me. It's definitely one of those songs that you listen to and don't care if people hear you blasting it and getting really into it. So this is my #1. On so many levels, this song is amazing.